Dog DNA Tests: What You Need to Know Before Buying

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dog dna testing

Today we’re exploring everything you need to know about dog DNA tests before purchasing a kit.

We’ll talk about the benefits of dog DNA tests and what you can learn from them, give a brief overview of the major dog DNA kits on the market today (as well as discus other options), and cover some frequently asked questions when it comes to dog DNA kits.

Dog DNA Tests: What They’re All About

Dog DNA tests are used primarily to determine the ancestry of your canine.

Owners of mystery mutts or dogs adopted from a shelter are often curious about their dog’s genetic background.

Dog DNA tests let you discover your dog’s lineage as far back as their great grandparents. You may be surprised to find that your mixed breed buddy has a bit of German Shepherd or Collie in him!

Why Do People Buy Dog DNA Tests?

Most owners purchase dog DNA tests out of intrigue, but there are actually several smart and practical reasons for purchasing a canine ancestry kit as well, including:

Medical Insights

Many of the newer and more advanced dog DNA kits test for common genetic mutations or abnormalities.

Several kits test for MDR1 (Multi-Drug Sensitivity) and Exercise-Induced collapse (EIC) are dangerous genetic abnormalities that can threaten a canine’s life (Embark actually runs over 215 genetic tests and tests for potential diseased like glaucoma, coagulopathy, etc)

Training Assistance

Knowing your dog’s breed background can be hugely helpful when it comes to training your dog and helping harness some of their natural instincts.

For example, dogs with a herding background might adore the chance to try herding (there are several facilities and camps that let dogs practice and hone their herding skills).

Some breeds are classified specifically as “working dogs,” and many of these canines will need certain mental stimulation and engagement to be their happiest selves.

Do you constantly find your dog digging up the flowerbeds in the backyard? Or maybe he’s a non-stop yapper?

Understanding your dog’s breed background may help reveal the origins behind these behaviors (and therefore help you better correct and harness these behaviors in the future).

Adult Weight Predictions

Most dog DNA tests also have the ability to predict your dog’s adult size and weight.

This can be handy when planning ahead with your new puppy. If you find out your little 5 lb pup will probably grow up to be a 80 lb beast, you may opt for buying larger dog crates and kennels they can grow into over time.

Dog DNA Test Major Brands & Kits

When it comes to dog DNA tests, there are really only two major brands really worth considering:

Option 1: Wisdom Panel

Wisdom Panel (aka Mars Veterinary) is an old pro in the world of dog DNA testing.

Mars Veterinary has been working on canine genetics since 1999. Over the years, they’ve provided nearly 1 million tests for vets, owners, breeders, and shelter workers.

They’ve had several generations of dog DNA tests, from 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and a 4.0 version. They now have a new product system with Wisdom Panel Premium being their current flagship product.

Wisdom Panel is committed to accurate, reliable testing and continue to update their product over the years (although you’ll need to buy a new version when a new model comes out).

Option 2: Embark

Embark is the other major contender when it comes to reliable dog DNA tests. They’ve only been on the market since 2015, but they’re already giving Wisdom Panel a run for their money.

While Embark is new to the dog DNA market, their kits are the results of a decade of research and work.

They offer two kit optionsEmbark Breed + Health, which offers breed ancestry as well as health insights, or the budget-friendly Embark Breed Identification Kit, which only provides breed info.

Embark was founded by Ryan and Adam Boykois and was formed in partnership with genetic expert Spencer Wells, Director of the Genographic Project, and Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Together with a team of veterinarians and scientists, the Boykois brothers joined together to uncover new insights about canines and their role in relationship to humans over the years.

Embark goes above and beyond what any other dog DNA test, providing more accuracy, more in-depth breed insights, and more genetic health screenings than any other test out there.

Embark also features a really nifty app that lets you see your dog’s results in a streamline setup. They offer special customized reports you can show your vet, and include lifetime updates, which means anytime Embark adds a new feature or test to the system, you’ll automatically get it too!

The only downside to Embark is that the test costs quite a lot, although they run sales regularly.

Other Dog DNA Tests Available

There are other dog DNA tests, but they aren’t nearly as reliable as the two mentioned above.

DNA My Dog is a popular one, but it’s infamously unreliable and generally disliked by the majority of customers.

There are also a few older versions of Wisdom Panel floating around (such as the 2.5 version), but there really isn’t any legitimate reason to purchase this older outdated kit.

Blood Tests

Blood tests are another option for performing a dog DNA test on your pooch, but they can only be done through a veterinarian, and tend to cost quite a bit – definitely more than any of the kits listed here.

Dog DNA Test FAQs

We’ll discuss some of the most common questions owners have when purchasing a dog DNA test kit.

Are Dog DNA Tests Accurate?

Yes, as long as you are purchasing from a reputable company, dog DNA tests tend to be quite accurate.
Most unsatisfied users are those who go in with certain expectations about their dog’s breed ancestry, and get results they don’t expect.
Learn more about dog DNA accuracy here!

Do Dog DNA Tests Hurt My Dog?

No way! While collecting a DNA sample from your dog may seem intimidating, it’s easy and painless.
All you need to do is take a cotton swab and rub it against the inside of your dog’s mouth and – ta da – DNA has been collected!

Learn more about how to collect your dog’s DNA sample here!

Can Dog DNA Tests Detect Wolf Ancestry?

Some dog DNA tests can indeed detect wolf ancestry in your domesticated pooch! In many cases, this covers testing for coyote ancestry as well.

Do you have any questions or concerns about dog DNA tests we didn’t cover here? Tell us what you want to know in the comments – we’ll do our best to answer!