Dog DNA Testing for Wolf Ancestry: Does Your Pup Have Wolf?

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dog dna wolf ancestry

Do you suspect your pet has a little wolf in him? Do you catch your canine howling melodically?

If you’re curious about your dog’s wolf history, you’re in luck – several dog DNA tests can clue you in about your pup’s past. 

The dog DNA tests that can test for wolf and coyote ancestry are:

Read below for more details on these two dog DNA testing services, and how they stack up against one another.

Option #1: Wisdom Panel Premium

Wisdom Panel Premium is the latest, top-of-the-line addition of dog DNA tests from Mars Veterinary, which has been in the business of analyzing your pet’s DNA since 2007.

Wisdom Panel Premium

A top-tier dog DNA test
Wisdom Panel Premium
9.5/10Our Score

Mars Veterinary's premium dog DNA test kit, featuring an in-depth breed analysis that screens for over 350 breeds, along with health insights that test your dog for a variety of genetic health conditions.

Explore your dog's physical traits, test for medication sensitivities, and even meet your dog's canine relatives within the vast Mars Veterinary database.

Wisdom Panel Premium brings a host of new features, one of those being the ability to test for wolf or coyote ancestry!

Wisdom Panel is a trusted provider of dog DNA tests and is an industry leader, so result accuracy is assured – your dog’s genetics are in good hands!

Option #2: Embark

Another option for determining your dog’s wolf descendants is with Embark.

Most Accurate
Embark Breed + Health Dog DNA Test

Embark Breed + Health Dog DNA Test

A premium, best-in-class dog DNA test that screens for over 350 breeds and tests for over 215 health risks, with research-grade data through a partnership with Cornell, resulting in unparalleled accuracy.

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The Embark Dog DNA test is a relatively new player in the industry of dog DNA tests, but they’ve already shown enormous promise (read our full review of Embark Breed + Health Dog DNA Test for test result details).

Embark provides deeper data and more insights into your dog’s DNA, ancestry, and behavior than any other test.

Created with the help of some of the most renown dog genetic specialists in the world, Embark is quite comprehensive.

In addition to all the info you’d expect from a dog DNA test, Embark is able to also test for wolf and coyote ancestry. Not just wolf and coyote ancestry either – Embark can also evaluate your pup for “village dog” ancestry. 

Village dogs are subsets of free-breeding canines that are historically from specific communities, cropping up around existing human settlements. Playing the role of guard dogs and trash cleaners, among others, these village dogs often precede the formation of the modern dog breeds we know today. Part domesticated, part wild, village dogs make up 3/4 of the worldwide dog population.

Embark researchers were the very first teams to study and document these village dogs, which is pretty darn incredible.

All this awesome info comes at a cost though – Embark is pricier than Wisdom Panel. Still, if you’re looking for the best data on your dog’s descendants, from wolf and coyote to village dogs, Embark is your best bet.

Which to Choose for Detecting Wolf?

Both Wisdom Panel and Embark can reveal whether or not your dog has wolf or coyote ancestry. 

Both services are trust-worthy and have a great customer track record, so can’t really go wrong with either option.

However, only Embark can provide information on village dog ancestry. Ultimately, which test you choose is really a matter of how much that additional info is worth to you.

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